An Equitable Covid-19 Recovery Plan

We need a comprehensive and equitable Covid-19 recovery plan, focusing on our residents that have been most impacted by this crisis. Even after we are all vaccinated, our community will need support more than ever. Our restaurants and small businesses need a vibrant rehabilitation plan. Our youth and families will need social and emotional support coming out of the pandemic. And we must grieve and honor those we lost. 

My Plan:

  • Provide additional relief to small business owners, including permanent permit and fee forgiveness from the pandemic

  • Deepen financial resources for low income and unemployed residents, including additional flexible rental relief funds

  • Ensure those still unvaccinated are able to receive a shot through city sponsored mobile clinics targeted towards our most impacted communities

  • Increase free COVID-19 testing options in Somerville to provide greater access to residents

More Affordable and Accessible Housing

Emergency measures to keep families in their homes during Covid-19 will expire, but the same problems of affordability will remain. We need more than temporary fixes for our housing challenges in this city. We need a plan to support housing stability in Somerville and I will advocate for more affordable units across the city. 

My Plan:

  • Pass a Fair Housing amendment to stop displacement

  • Simplify the inclusionary housing process so it is available and accessible to all who need access to affordable housing in the city

  • Increase housing density around the Green Line Extension

  • Keep residents in their homes and reduce unnecessary evictions through a permanent tenant’s right to counsel program, an extension to the eviction moratorium, additional flexible relief funds, and deeper investment in the Office of Housing Stability 

  • Support the needs of the tenants at Clarendon Hill during its redevelopment, and ensure the agreement negotiated between the tenants union and the developer is upheld, including the right of return for all residents. 

  • Ensure existing public housing buildings are well-maintained

  • Create a rental registry that collects critical information for holding absentee landlords accountable

  • Incentivize homeowners and landlords to retrofit units to be more energy efficient and ADA accessible

  • Provide incentives to landlords who consistently keep rents below market rate, and work with state officials on rent stabilization options in Somerville

An Accessible and Livable City

I will pursue policies for safer walking, biking, and public transit access for all. This can be done by reducing speed and space for vehicles to prioritize alternative modes of transportation, helping residents get back to work once it’s safe, and lowering carbon emissions.

My Plan:

  • Add traffic calming measures around major intersections and create more brightly painted crosswalks near schools

  • Increase access to bus and protected bike lanes, including implementing a citywide bike lane network

  • Pilot a program making bus rides free for everyone in our community

  • Further expand the Green Line Extension to the proposed Route 16 stop in Ward 7

Healthier, Connected Communities

We have seen unprecedented support for our neighbors as we navigated the Covid-19 crisis together. Let’s build on the vast volunteer efforts, mutual aid groups, and local support for each other. I will advocate for additional green spaces in our neighborhoods, and increased mental health services for all. 

My Plan:

  • Accelerate the redesign and construction of the West Somerville Neighborhood School’s playground

  • Increase investment in mental health services, including hiring additional multilingual youth and adult social workers

  • Recommit to neighborhood block parties, citywide festivals, and other community events

  • Provide resources for Somerville’s artists including finding additional workspace, making creative housing options, preserving artist space at the Somerville Armory, and increasing funding for the Arts Council so they can expand their community building programs across the City

Greater Access to Municipal Decision Making and Services

We must ensure that the services we provide as a city are available to all of Somerville’s residents. Municipal services must be widely publicized in multiple languages, and I will work to lower barriers to access so they reach our most vulnerable communities. I will also ensure Somerville residents are kept up to date on all decisions of City government. I will be responsive to the needs of our neighbors and ensure clear and timely communication with all.

My Plan:

  • Pass a language access ordinance so that all city services and materials are available in the many languages spoken in our city

  • Provide technical support so that every resident can access city services online

  • Diversify city boards and commissions so they reflect the communities they serve and ensure our commissions are supported with staff

Address Environmental Injustice and Build a Sustainable Future

The climate crisis most greatly affects Somerville’s marginalized residents, including communities of color, low income residents, and our immigrant neighbors. We must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and be prepared for the negative impacts from climate change, including intense heat waves and flooding. Everyone has a right to be protected from pollution, and to live in a clean and healthy environment. This right must be codified into law and practiced in all aspects of municipal government.

My Plan:

  • Require those receiving support from the city for renovations or new construction to build with the most up to date climate and water management standards

  • Electrify all Somerville municipal vehicles

  • Build affordable housing with a net-zero carbon footprint

  • Promote and expand Somerville’s Community Choice Energy program, allowing residents to switch their power to cleaner sources

  • Advocate for the construction of sound and pollution blocking barriers along I-93

Reimagining Public Safety

We must be united in ending police violence in our Black and Brown communities. Nationally the spending on law enforcement and the legal system dramatically outpaces spending on education, mental health programs, violence prevention, and housing; all resources that help us build healthier communities. Police have become the default first responders when someone is in crisis, even though there are many emergency calls that do not require armed law enforcement. We need to look holistically at systemic reforms for our approach to public safety so we can better support our community and advance our values of racial justice.

My Plan:

  • Divert calls for non-violent situations involving mental health and substance abuse to social workers and health providers who are better able to handle them

  • Advocate for passage of the ACES (Alternatives for Community Emergency Services) bill at the State House which would increase the availability of non-law enforcement, unarmed, and community-based emergency response options for calls to 911

  • Invest deeply in other services for mental health, homelessness and violence prevention across Somerville, ensuring city departments and community organizations are well equipped to work together on creating a healthier community 

  • Civilianize additional roles within the Somerville Police Department

If you have any questions or input on policy, feel free to contact me! I would love for the chance to speak further with you.